Finding out the balance of your credit cards can be crushing, but it's not the hard part. Paying it off can be made a lot easier with these tips, however.
Trying to be better at money management, but don't know where to start? Try these simple steps - you might find even the most experienced can learn something.
A good credit report is important for everything from business funding to mortgage lending. Could a bad credit report stop you from buying your first home?
Australians have taken to contactless payment systems but not to mobile phone payment systems. What are they, and how could they affect your credit file?
Having multiple credit cards brings many benefits, but it also presents drawbacks. What happens if you start accumulating debts? Make sure you have a plan ready.
Missed payments are something that should be accounted for. Sometimes there are sudden factors, but knowing what to do in these instances can prevent defaulting on a mortgage.
The most recent wave of results from the ASIC financial behaviour tracker has some interesting revelations: Is Australia dealing with its financial situation?