If you make an application for credit, it can be listed on your credit report as a 'credit enquiry'. Credit enquiries are part of the information lenders may use and can have an impact on whether a lender accepts your application or not.
A credit bureau helps to support responsible lending and can assist consumers in understanding where they stand with their credit. Operating under the Privacy Act, a credit bureau collects, holds, uses and discloses personal and credit-related information about individuals and companies.
Keeping your mortgage payments on track is important for your financial stability, but what can happen if you don't? How can you manage your money accordingly?
You can accrue debts without even realising. What strategies can help you to ensure you're in full control of your finances, and help you to repay old debts?
Are you finding it difficult to manage multiple lines of credit effectively? You're not alone. What can you do to keep better control of your finances?
Living on a low or restricted budget doesn't necessarily mean not having fun or not buying coffee anymore - it means taking stock of your financial position.
Are you trying to save for a wedding but finding it tough due to bad debts hanging over your head? It'll pay to sort your finances before you set a date for the big day.
Thinking about applying for a credit card? It'll pay to choose the right deal for your needs and financial situation, not just the first one you come across.